LF tags are commonly used in applications where the tag must be read in close proximity to the reader. They have a smaller footprint and cost less than higher frequency tagged products.

Passive LF tags don’t require a battery and transmit short identifying transmissions only when interrogated. These tags are popular for access control, livestock tracking, and as vehicle immobilizers.

LF 125 KHz Tags

LF tags operate in the low frequency range (from 30 to 300 kHz) and are usually passive with no transmitter on them. They use near-field inductive coupling to obtain power and communicate with the RFID interrogator.

These tags are very common and used in many different applications such as building intercom keys, office cards, public transport passes, or for ID recognition. They are also a popular choice for paid car parking systems.

Our LF RFID reader, the Syris RD200-LF, can work with a wide variety of 125 kHz and 134.2 kHz transponders including ISO cards, key fobs, stickers, or wrist bands. These tags usually have a number in the format of 8 hex or 10 DEC.

Glass Ampoule Tags

Glass ampoules are a common form factor for LF tags. These are often LF RFID Tag encapsulated in heat resistant glass for medical applications like tracking syringes in hospital inventory. They’re also used in pet identification and animal tagging to prevent theft.

Unlike higher frequency RFID technology, LF tags don’t radiate radio waves until they receive a signal from a reader. This conserves battery power.

The LF band can penetrate liquids and metals, making these tags ideal for tagging items with a lot of water content like fruits or vegetables. They can also work through clothing and human skin. LF tags are often found in access control, laundry, asset tracking, animal identification, automotive control as vehicle immobilizers and various point-of-sale applications like Mobil/Exxon SpeedPass.

Ear Tags

Ear tags containing an RFID chip are used to track the movement of livestock. They carry the animal identification number and management number assigned to a herd or flock. These tags are also required for NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) regulations.

These tags can be both visual or electronic and are available in a range of colors and styles. They are applied using an applicator that pierces the ear with one of three or more holes.

While a hole in the ear can be painful for the animal, it heals quickly and with minimal scarring. Incorrectly placed ear tags can cause damage, necrosis and sloughing. This is why it is important to know where the ear tag needs to be placed when using an applicator.

Nail Tags

LF tags are used in access control, animal identification and tracking (such as ear tags), and automotive controls such as key fob security systems. They are also popular in point-of-sale applications as well as promotional labeling, such as with wine labels.

Unlike conventional radios, RFID tags do not need to power their own transmitters or receivers. Instead, they rely on the radio signals received from a reader to transmit backscattering information and respond to questions.

This limits the amount of data they can transmit and reduces their read range. To overcome this limitation, battery-assisted passive RFID tags (BAP) incorporate a power source into the passive tag configuration. This improves read distance and speeds up transmission of data from the tag to the reader.

ISO Cards

LF RFID tags require proximity to an interrogator to transmit data, so they aren’t ideal for tracking products. You’ll find LF tags in access control systems, animal identification and key fob security for autos.

HF technology works well with metal objects and items that contain liquid, but it doesn’t work as well as LF in most applications. HF tag antennas are usually long, so it’s best to use them in conjunction with an HF reader or a short dipole for maximum read range.

Most campus card programs require ISO numbering to ensure that all cards and readers can be integrated into existing financial networks. LF RFID Tag It’s a requirement for most mealplans, security systems and ticketing payments.

Wrist Band Tags

Wristband tags are used in RFID applications that require people tracking. These include events that need to time participants, conference attendees or large expo attendees. LF RFID tags use near-field inductive coupling electromagnetics to transfer data to and from the reader. They are passive, meaning they don’t have a battery or transmitter.

LF tags are less susceptible to interference by metal and liquids than UHF or HF tags. They are typically encapsulated in glass or made from a plastic brick. They can also be embedded in metal for use in vehicle immobilizer systems or as a tag inside an employee ID card. They can be customized to include logos and private labeling.

High Temperature Tags

The LF frequency range works well with liquids, and can also tolerate being submerged in water (for use as animal tracking tags). It can even work through metal materials (HF RFID tags need to implement anti-collision mitigation to avoid issues when working near metal).

Shipping temperature labels speed up turnaround times in relevant high-temperature processing environments by allowing the product to be labeled while still hot. These robust LF RFID tags are suitable for use in a range of industries and can be printed with brand logos, instructional information and other data.

These glass encapsulated RFID high-temperature tags can be used in medical tools, tray management, RTIs tracking and more. These tags are usually fixed with a high-temperature glue.

Potted Dome Disc Tags

Like all RFID tags, LF is powered by radio wave energy. The reader antenna sends a signal to the tag, which powers on and transmits a small amount of data back to the reader.

Most LF RFID tags store only a single, pre-encoded read-only memory bank. This type of tag does not require a power source or battery, and is therefore cheaper than High Frequency (HF) RFID tags.

LF RFID tags are available in multiple form factors such as card, glass tube, coil, plastic brick and disc. These durable tags are ideal for use in harsh environments, and can withstand daily bumps and jolts. They can also be embedded in items for industrial applications, such as inspection management and work-in-process tracking.