What Are the Best Air Purifiers For Dust?

What Are the Best Air Purifiers For Dust?

air purifiers for dust

What Are the Best Air Purifiers For Dust?

Air purifiers suck in air, filter it and then recirculate clean air back into your living space. They can reduce irritants like dust, microbial contaminants such as mold spores and bacteria, tobacco smoke, pesticides, disinfectants and pet dander.

It’s important to note that air purifiers are designed for specific sized spaces, so you should measure your space before shopping around. MNT selects products that are suitable for a range of room sizes.

Airborne Particles

Airborne particles can be solid or liquid, and they’re found in everything from soil and ash to dust and pollen. These airborne particles can be influenced by climate and human activity, like burning fossil fuels and agricultural activities. They can also be a result of natural events, like large wildfires that decrease air quality and stir up dust.

Particulate matter in the air can range from 50 microns (larger than a single human hair) to 10 microns or smaller, which are often invisible to the naked eye. The smaller particles can enter the lungs and trigger allergies or asthma symptoms.

Luckily, air purifiers work to remove these particles from the air. They do this by pulling indoor air through filters, which can be made from fiberglass, paper, mesh, carbon or foam. The best air purifiers for dust are designed with HEPA filters that trap the smallest, most harmful particles.

When shopping for an air purifier to tackle dust, pay close attention to air purifiers for dust the Clean Air Delivery Rate, or CADR. The higher the CADR, the more powerful and effective it will be.

The Levoit Core 300S has a high CADR rating and a True HEPA filter that removes particles as small as 0.3 microns. This includes dust mites, pet dander and more, which are known to cause allergic reactions. It’s also equipped with a pre-filter, odor filter and high-efficiency activated carbon filter to fight chemicals, unpleasant odors and volatile organic compounds.

Indoor Allergens

Most people with allergies think of their homes as havens from outdoor pollutants, but indoor air is also full of pollutants that trigger allergy symptoms. For example, mold spores and animal dander can cause allergies in the air. These allergens settle on surfaces and resuspend in the air, often triggering sneezing, itching, watery eyes and runny noses.

Other common indoor allergens include dust mites, fungi and pet dander. These allergens are produced by microscopic organisms that live mainly in carpeting and mattresses and upholstered furniture. Their fecal droppings are among the leading causes of residential allergic reactions, including hay fever and asthma.

Air purifiers can capture these allergens and many other particles. For best results, the filters should have a multistage filtration system. The first filter traps large dust particles, and subsequent filters capture smaller ones. An activated carbon filter can help remove air purifiers for dust odors, and an ultraviolet (UV) light can reduce bacteria, viruses and mold spores.

Air filtration can help with seasonal allergies, but it isn’t a cure-all. Before purchasing an air cleaner, consult a doctor for a diagnosis of your allergies or asthma. Then choose a device with the right filters and size to suit your space. Be sure to read reviews and check the product specifications to make sure it’s appropriate for your needs. Many air purifiers have a CADR rating that indicates how much filtered air it can deliver per hour, and AHAM certification that tests for contaminant levels.

Indoor Pollutants

The best air purifiers for dust have the power to suck out the fine particles that are often the culprits of allergies and asthma. These particles may be the result of dead skin cells, stray particulates or the microscopic creatures that live in dust, called dust mites. These creatures, according to the American Lung Association, can lead to rashes, infections and respiratory allergic diseases.

An air purifier works by drawing in ambient air, cycling through a filter and releasing filtered air back into the room at a controlled rate. These filters can also be used to trap harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide. Using an air purifier in conjunction with a proper cleaning routine and avoiding household chemicals can greatly improve overall indoor quality.

When selecting an air purifier, consider its CADR rating (clean air delivery rate) and recommended room size. The latter refers to the maximum square footage of room in which the device is capable of effectively removing pollutants. Look for a product that lists the room size on its label and has an AHAM-approved CADR score for each of the most common pollutants, such as tobacco smoke, dust and pollen.

Keep in mind that most air purifiers do not remove all airborne contaminants and are not a replacement for a thorough vacuuming routine. In addition, they don’t eliminate dust mites and other allergens that have burrowed into walls and floors or furnishings.

Indoor Air Quality

An air purifier consists of a fan-like mechanism that draws in the air and passes it through at least one filter. It then redistributes the fresh, dust-free air back into your home.

Many pollutants are linked to poor indoor air quality. Some, like radon, are found in the environment, but others are generated inside the home. For example, combustion sources like oil, gas, kerosene and wood products; building materials such as drywall and certain pressed wood furniture; cleaning and other household products; humidification systems; pets and their droppings; and indoor plants can all contribute to poor IAQ.

Often, poor IAQ is linked to allergies and asthma symptoms. Fortunately, air purifiers for dust are an easy and affordable way to improve your indoor air quality. They capture most of the airborne contaminants that trigger these issues, including pet dander and dust mite droppings.

However, you should also consider other solutions for improving your indoor air quality, such as installing a dehumidifier to tackle high humidity and replacing carpeting with hard flooring that is easier to keep clean. In addition, you can use a vacuum with a HEPA filter or a fabric filtration system to remove mold spores and other allergens from your home. Finally, keeping up with your regular cleaning routine is important to help prevent the accumulation of dust in your home.

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